Sustainable Biomass

Sustainable Biomass Product details

Sustainable Biomass Product by:

Heating for our buildings in the UK accounts for about 47% of our annual carbon emissions. We believe that this form of Energy should avoid polluting or emitting anything that contributes to global warming.

We produce Green resources - Biomass. At Trebio, we use the forests to provide the heat Energy for our homes. 

Our Sustainable Biomass comes from well managed forests. For every single tree we cut down, another will be planted to take it's place. Hence the flora and fauna in this area are not disturbed and the forest will continue to thrive.

Here, we take our fibre from the forest and this helps us make sure that every wooden pellet we produce are of the highest quality. We also monitor the species that go in to the manufacturing process to make sure that the heat output is reliable.

We have a license to cut only a certain amount of trees annually and this is very strictly controlled.

We understand that taking trees from a Natural forest is a controversial issue and we too understand the environmental issues behind it. We are making our upmost effort to be as sustainable as possible. This is because we are here for the future of Green Energy.

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