The Solar Feed in Tariff - the British government's legislation requiring Energy companies to buy renewable Electricity at a fixed premium rate for the next 20 years from homes with installed solar panels.
This Solar Investment is absolutely tax free; you not only have your own renewable energy sources but make money as well.
Solar Feed in Tariff was started last April 2010, a typical 2.5kW photovoltaic solar system was built to an existing Home and was payee 16p per kWh generated, regardless of it being used by home owner or exported another payment of 4.5p per kWh for unused units that will be exported to the grid.
Payments for this Solar Feed in Tariff have a 20-year warranty and it is index linked which rises with inflation plus the income is free of tax.
Please use the Contact form on the right for Solar Fit- A Key Benefit of a Solar System information and ordering.
Electricity – Energy – Home – Investment – Owner – Photovoltaic – Renewable Energy – Solar – Solar System