Save Money on your Water Bills

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Save Money on your Water Bills Product by:
Practical Home Energy saving

At Practical Home Energy Saving we have thousands of helpful tips to help you save money on your Water bills, heating and electrical costs.

It is beginning to be more economical these days to invest in Water Saving Devices as our water bills continuously keep on rising. Not only that, but you should always consider the fact that saving on water can also help you save on your energy costs. As many devices nowadays use hot water - such as washing machines and dishwashing devices, saving water also equates to less hot water being used. Hence this will lead to less electricity needed to heat up the water. 

Another great way to save money on your water bills is to use a water Tank to collect rain, which is literally free. You don't have to actually install a tank - you can just use a couple of buckets. Keep the buckets in your garden and let it fill up with rain. Use the collect rainwater to water your gardens and keep your plants looking green and lush. 

Every day we use between 130 and 165 L of water. This is around 70% more than we used 30 years ago and this is mainly because of modern household appliances such as power showers. Water is precious and it's not hard to reduce your usage at all. Just give it a try and you'll notice the difference in your pocket and on your next water bill.

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