Relaxing Aromatherapy

Relaxing Aromatherapy Product details

Product by:
AA Hinton Holistic Therapies

Aromatherapy treatment, a form of Alternative medicine that uses essential oils applied through a relaxing gentle body massage.

With the use of natural, concentrated essences of plants and other aromatic compounds, Aromatherapy will ease off a person's mind, mood, cognitive function or health.

We offer a variety of essential oils with a wide range of therapeutic potentials combined together to meet our client's distinct needs at a very reasonable price.

Aromatherapy full treatment (1 hour and 30 minutes) - £37.00
Aromatherapy half treatment (45 minutes) - £24.00

To enquire, Book an appointment, demonstration, talk or other service, please email us!

Please use the Contact form on the right for Relaxing Aromatherapy information and ordering.

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