At Greenphase, we feature hundreds of expert articles on anything relating to our environment and sustainability.
One of our most discussed articles questions whether Fairtrade means Environmentally Friendly.
When an item is labelled as "fairtrade" it shows that it has been fairly priced and suggests that it is sustainability produced.
What does that mean? It means the producer earns a fair amount to support his family and the production process does not use excessive amounts of natural resources with a low Carbon footprint. There are even some that are carbon neutral.
So the label is an indication of the product being both Fairtrade and Eco Friendly.
Fairtrade have a very high standard to live to. Inspectors check regularly to see if they are using the correct chemicals or pesticides, if their production and pay-rates are ethical and if the processes are environmentally safe.
So we encourage everyone to purchase Fairtrade whenever possible. It's not only saving our planet - but also helping family.
Please use the Contact form on the right for Fairtrade and Eco Friendly information and ordering.