Different ways to use Honey

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Here at Friends of the Earth, we have a large collection of Eco friendly articles written by specialised experts. They range from our contribution to improving the environment to politics to ways to Green up your lifestyle.

We all know that honey is one of the cheapest and most effective Natural remedies around. Of course, organic honey is the best - however most commercial honey works great too.

Most of the time they are used in recipes. Together with The Bee Cause, we will should you different ways to use Honey.

Nail conditioner

Face mask


Choose dark honey due to it's rich iron content and consume one teaspoon of it three times a day. 


Honey reduces fatigue as its carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins helps aid recovery.


Consume one tablespoon of it after drinking. The fructose in the honey helps speed the breakdown of alcohol.

The rest of the list is on our site, complete with details and instructions on how to use honey. 

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