Organic Trail

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Organic Fruit and Vegetable box delivery scheme for Bedfordshire Each box contains 10 different varieties of seasonal vegetables certified by the Soil Association.

For example potatoes, carrots, onions, fresh greens e.g. cabbage or spinach (depending on what's ready on the farm), mushrooms, broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, pepper and tomatoes.

In winter the box would contain more root vegetables etc. We rarely have to use imported vegetables but when we do it is usually only one or maybe two items in the box.

This only happens in late Winter/Spring so approximately 99% of the time the boxes are 100% English.

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Organic Trail Products

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Organic Food Delivery Organic Food Delivery

Organic Trails is an organic food delivery company. We have been delivering fresh meat and Organic Fruit And Vegetables to Milton Keynes and the surrounding regions ... more »

  • Organic Distributors And Wholesalers –
  • Organic Food –
  • Organic Fruit And Vegetables
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